How to unquit fitness


Last week, the world recognized National Quitter’s Day. (Yes, there is research to show that most people do not continue new fitness resolutions for more than 20 days). If you’ve added to the statistics, here are 5 ways to re-motivate your fitness journey right now.

  1. Keep it small 

Remember the tortoise and the hare? Small consistent activities add to sustainable health and fitness more than being a weekend warrior. Pick an activity to perform 15 minutes each day. It is OK to pick different activities for different days. Here are a few examples: 

  • Shoot hoops with the kids
  • Walk/Jog
  • Yoga
  • Upper body strength
  • Lower body strength
  • Total body circuit
  • Pilates
  • Barre
  • Reverse gym class: kids teach the adults

2. Family team workout time

Get out the February calendar! Every family member gets 3-4 scraps of paper. Each person writes down their favorite activity (one per piece of paper). Put them all in a hat and draw them out one-by-one. The first one drawn goes to Feb 1st, the 2nd one goes to Feb 2nd, etc. until you have a whole month of daily family activities in the planner. Have the family decide upon a reward for each week where all activities are completed. 

3. Add novelty 

Many brains are wired to continue activity only if it is fun or novel. Add something new to each workout. It could be an exercise, a new tune, a new workout location, new fitness equipment, or a piece of new fitness clothing. You don’t have to buy anything new though. For example, if you love the color green, perhaps you only let yourself wear your green tank top every 5th workout. Your brain will still perceive the reward, which helps fuel motivation.

4. One is the limit

Many people quit fitness because they try a complete lifestyle overhaul all at once. If you’ve quit working out, commit to a full 30-60 minute workout only one day per week. Put it in the planner, and then show up and honor your commitment! When you consistently conquer a small goal, your self confidence and motivation will begin to soar again (as will your fitness). Don’t move up to two days until you have shown up for yourself one day per week for 4 weeks in a row. 

5. Record how you feel

After your workout, take 1-2 minutes to journal (or phone audio or video record) how you feel. Each week, review what you wrote or recorded. See what you observe. 

Need motivation? Follow along with these quick home workout You Tube videos to re-energize your fitness.

Let’s have a wonderful new year together!