Build strength with one band

We all know that progression helps minimize training plateaus. While adding reps is an easy way to progress muscle endurance, it will not build true muscle tone or strength. 

Great news, you don’t have to buy more bands or dumbbells. You can build true strength and muscle tone with just one medium resistance band! 

Instead of adding reps, build on the idea that Force = mass x acceleration. Mass, in this case, means load. The shorter the band, the more force it exerts. Acceleration can be altered by adding speed to your exercise. 

Here are 3 ways you can build on this idea as your revamp your band home workout routine:

1. Do 7’s: Do 7 reps at the top of the range, then choke up on the band to shorten it; then repeat 7 reps at the bottom of the range. Finally, finish with the entire range of motion for 7 reps. Now you have completed 21 reps. Repeat for 3-4 sets. 

2. Do negatives: Negative means performing the lowering phase slowly. Take  5-10 seconds to slowly lower back down from the top of each lift. Challenge yourself to 10 reps for 3-4 sets. 

3. Add speed: After you do either of the above variations, follow up with a speed set, performing 20-30 reps as fast as possible with control. 

The above methods can be used with almost any of your favorite band exercises. Want to follow along with an upper body band workout? Grab your band and catch the video replay to follow along with a 15 minute upper body workout!


Video of upper body band strength workout