As the seasons change, it is hard to know if you are drinking enough water.
“Drink half your weight in ounces,” is only a rough fitness guideline. Thirst is not an adequate indicator of dehydration. Headaches and fatigue can be signs off too little or too much hydration (and many other things).
If we can’t rely on how we are feeling to determine what enough water is, then what can we do?
1. Compare your urine output color to the chart below.

2. Remember the pH strips from science class? You can buy them on Amazon, or at many drug stores. Urine pH should be between 5-8 for most people. If your urine is trending on the < 6 range, it is acidic. Continued acidity leads to other health problems like decreased bone density. Start adding more green veggies and/or alkaline water to your daily diet. If the pattern persists for a few weeks, check with a medical provider.
3. If you are a “gallon-a-day” water drinker, you are likely low on electrolytes. This can cause headaches, brain fog, muscle cramps, and fatigue. Add a few sprinkles of salt to your water to re-balance your electrolytes.
Follow the above three steps to interpret what your urine is trying to tell you. Feel free to reach out as questions and discoveries come up!