Welcome to the Fitness Lifestyle for Busy People podcast, with your host, author of the Mobility / Stability Equation, Dance & Sports Med Physical Therapist, Exercise Physiologist, and gym class failure turned adult-onset athlete, turned world fitness competitor and Tri Fitness champion, Dr. Meredith Butulis.

We all ask the same questions—where can I find energy, health, and quality time to bring my best self forward in relationships, family, and professional fulfillment. Yet, we have learned that money can’t buy the answer, and finding time for meal prep and workouts may seem unattainable.

But, what if you had small attainable, actionable experiments to build your wellness lifestyle each day AND recover from the obstacles that set you back along the journey?

Every month, I will bring your a guest or ideas that will help you train smarter, but not harder to uncover your health, wellness, and fitness PRs not only now, but also for decades to come. Get ready to find the inspiration and tips to energize your wellness lifestyle now.

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